When I visited George Mason University recently, I asked Tyler Cowen, “What’s the secret of a successful blog?” Cowen and Tabarrok’s Marginal Revolution is the most successful blog I know of.
His answer: “Three elements: 1. Expertise. 2. Regularity. 3. Recurring characters, like a TV show.” By regularity he meant at least 5 times/week.
I saw I had considerable room for improvement. Since then, I’ve tried to post at least twice/week. With this post I am adding scientific method to the subtitle, which I hope makes me appear more expert. A Berkeley philosophy professor named Paul Feyeraband wrote a book that I thought is called On Method but that I see is actually called Against Method. He was at Berkeley when I arrived. I remember two things about him: 1. He gave all his students A’s. 2. He ate at Chez Panisse every night.
I never met Feyerabend, although he did lecture at Sussex before I got there. His book is wonderfully provocative. One slight correction – although he lectured at Berkeley, he also lectured at many other places. See his Wikipedia entry for some biography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Feyerabend
The blog Crooked Timber has had some interesting discussions about Feyerabend.