Eating Less

Emily Yoffe has a fascinating piece in Slate about going on a “CRON” (calorie-restricted optimal nutrition) plan. She eats 1500 calories/day. I was struck by three things: 1. Roy Wolford, apparently the first person to try something like this for a long time, did not live to be unusually old. He was 79 when he died. This is very helpful self-experimentation: CRON didn’t work, at least for life expectancy. One data point is much better than none. 2. Hunger is a huge problem. 3. In spite of the hunger, Yoffe is continuing the plan after the allotted 2 months have finished. Her sleep is still poor, etc., but she likes being thinner.

Yoffe mentions the UpDayDownDay regime studied by NIH researcher Mark Mattson. There is now a website for an associated book and diet. (My earlier comments.) A few weeks ago I asked Donald Laub, a Stanford professor of medicine who is doing this regime, if he was still taking olive oil to make the low-calorie days easier to endure. He said he was.

2 thoughts on “Eating Less

  1. according to Wikipedia, Dr. Walford died of Lou Gehrig’s disease; does being thin cause or contribute to this disease? your comment suggests that CR contributed to his death and that’s not clear.

  2. I’m not saying CR contributed to his death; I’m saying that in his particular case, the main supposed benefit of CR — longer life — failed to happen.

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