37signals is a Chicago software company that specializes in quick development and has been very successful. According to Business Week, “the lesson [of their success]: Create a simple product as fast as you can, then get feedback from customers and make it better.”
Hey, that was my philosophy with the Shangri-La Diet! One of the first managing editors of The New Yorker had a slogan: “Don’t get it right, get it written”. My philosophy with regard to SLD was similar: “don’t get it exactly right, get it written, and get feedback.”
Here are some ways the Shangri-La Diet has been improved by feedback (almost all from the SLD forums):
1. It is much clearer what rate of weight loss to expect.
2. The idea of nose-clipping. Which makes any food a weight-loss food.
3. With nose-clipping, you can use flaxseed oil to lose weight. The benefits of omega-3 have become much clearer.
4. Putting the oil in water makes it much easier to drink.
Emulsifying the oil with water makes it even easier to drink. A little lecithin as emulsifier and a few minutes at high speed in the mixer will do the trick. Texture is like milk – hard to believe it’s 50% oil.
That’s good to know, thanks.
“Here are some ways the Shangri-La Diet has been improved by feedback (almost all from the SLD forums):
1. It is much clearer what rate of weight loss to expect.”
– It is? I’ve been reading the forums and find conflicting and confusing info is all over the place. I’d love to have a clearer idea of what rate of weight loss to expect, and how that will be shifted by how much or little I reduce my caloric intake.
yes, it is. Via averaging. see the graphs at
Average weight loss is about 1 lb per week after the first few weeks.