Will It Last? (part 2)

I posted earlier about the recent increase in hits to the Shangri-La Diet forums. Here is an updated graph.

hits vs date

My shallow data analysis failed to show me the most interesting thing: An increase in the rate of change. To see rates of change, I plotted ratios: hits today/hits one week before. I used one week because there are strong day-of-week effects: Sunday is different from Monday, etc. Here is a graph of these ratios.

change in hits vs date

The green line is no change. Points below the green line indicate decreases; above the green line, increases. The red line is from loess. Here is a close-up that shows the red line more clearly.

change in hits vs date (close-up)

Since November, the rate of increase has been increasing. 5%/week would be huge; the rate is now 10%/week. This thrills me. It is a sign of what the Chinese call “word to word.”

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