Good Thinking

I heard about [the Shangri-La] diet from someone on a discussion group I’m part of and it sounded like total bunk. . . . This person pushes my buttons, so I decided I would test the diet. If it worked, I’d lose some unhealthy weight (three pregnancies combined with the stress of recent years left me 40 pounds overweight for my height), and if it didn’t work, I’d have the satisfaction of proving her wrong. It was a win/win.

I chuckle every time I read this. It continues:

I eliminated my two daily Cokes . . . from my diet and replaced them with the equivalent amount of liquid and calories from sugar water. I’ve been less hungry and losing weight ever since. Damn her!

Speaking of SLD and blogs and good writing. This has nothing to do with SLD.

2 thoughts on “Good Thinking

  1. Wow, thanks for the compliment on my writing. And thanks above all, for my new healthier and svelter self. I can’t believe how easy it has been to eat reasonable portion sizes and cut down on junky snacks. I’m so happy with my new relationship with food, and as an added bonus, I find that sipping a cup of sugar water is a great way to relax. I tell any and all who will listen about the good times I’m having in Shangri-La!

  2. Seth, found your site after doing some online research. Your diet info on the site obviously relates to the book which I’ll go check out. It looks like its common sense based but like everyone else I lose my common sense around a bag of cookies. The wife and kids have learned to hide them from me.

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