Richard Blum, chairman of the UC Board of Regents, rescinded a speaking invitation to Larry Summers after some UC Davis faculty complained:
After a group of UC Davis women faculty began circulating a petition, UC regents rescinded an invitation to Larry Summers, the controversial former president of Harvard University, to speak at a board dinner Wednesday night in Sacramento. The dinner comes during the regents’ meeting at UCD next week. Summers gained notoriety for saying that innate differences between men and women could be a reason for under-representation of women in science, math and engineering. . . Professor Maureen Stanton, one of the petition organizers, was delighted by news of the change this morning, saying it’s “a move in the right direction.”
Northwestern University Provost Lawrence Dumas is responsible for allowing Lynn Conway and Deirdre McCloskey to use his university’s considerable power to try to silence Michael Bailey. At Marginal Revolution, Alex Tabarrok calls the UC Regents’ action “shameful.” I agree.
Thanks to Matthew Pearson.