SLD Side Effects

On the SLD forums, you can read about many positive side effects of drinking oil. (One of them — better sleep — caused me to start studying the effects of omega-3.) Today three people posted some more:

  • I used to get those little cracks in the sides of my mouth. After just a few days on the diet, those are gone! I can open my mouth as far as it will go and no cracks!
  • My feet/heels don’t seem to be getting hard/cracked like they were
  • My skin feels softer
  • I haven’t had an asthma attack since starting in March.
  • Mental calmness. Situations that used to bother me now just slide away. It is hard to describe, but the peacefulness is wonderful.
  • I conclude that a big nutritional deficiency has been corrected.

    What fraction of people with (a) dry or cracked skin, (b) asthma, and (c) irritability have been told to consume more fat, I wonder? Zero? In the case of the asthma and irritability, I expect the improvement comes from a fat high in omega-3.

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