A Better Way to Do SLD?

The most interesting recent posts on the Shangri-La Diet forums have been from Roger Garrett (id Fastneasy), who has come up with what seems to be an especially potent version of the diet: He has a three-hour food window every day that starts when he eats his first meal; the rest of the day, he drinks sugar water and doesn’t eat anything else. He takes weekends off.

He’s 36 years old. Starting weight: 269 pounds. After about a month, he writes, “I’ve lost 24 pounds so far. This has been incredibly easy! No hunger, no struggle, and tons of energy.” He did almost the same thing eight years ago with one difference: no sugar water.

The difference between then and now is [now] I’m shedding the fat at three times the speed and with no anguish and fatigue that’s associated with the fasting. I’m not hungry, my stomach doesn’t growl. I have tons of energy and feel great in the morning. Also the funny thing, after waking in the morning after fasting for 21 hours, I’m not starving. I remember with the fast before I would wake in the night stomach growling and ready to eat. When I would wake up, I could kill to eat.

7 thoughts on “A Better Way to Do SLD?

  1. Seth, i was wondering if you could give me quick snapshop as to what you are taking (exactly) at the moment for SLD and appettite supression. I believe it is an oil of some type – specifics please. Thanks!

  2. I’ve been experimenting with my own weight loss, like starvation dieting and eating huge amounts of various foods for AS’s-sake. (Sushi and unsweetened applesauce give good AS, I’ve found).

    My experience is exactly the opposite of Roger Garrett’s. The best solution for me is to take a large (400-600cal) dose of flax oil in the morning, then restrain myself from eating for as long as possible, because as soon as I taste food, my AS goes out the window.

    I flirted with starvation dieting before that, and I found that, from the moment I wake up, I can go without eating for a long time. Even if I went to sleep extremely hungry, I wake up with no craving for food whatsoever (though my stomach may grumble uncomfortably). As soon as I eat food, however, my self-control fails for the rest of the day.

    (just another data-point for you, Seth)

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