In the comments, Dennis Mangan asked why I wanted to raise my HDL cholesterol levels. The answer is simple: Because Eddie Vos told me a few years ago that “it’s unanimous that having a good amount of HDL is a good thing.” Eddie Vos is a Canadian engineer who runs a diet-and-health website as a hobby.
If you really want to boost HDL (a great idea, btw) consider 4,000 – 5,000 IU Vitamin D3/day. (And the linked blog is highly recommended for a very in-depth discussion of cholesterol, which even most doctors do not understand.)
btw, Seth, I notice your blog has a Page rank of 5…you can make a lot more money if you offer the space you’re giving to Google ads directly to advertisers…usually 5x more. (Yes, Google’s standard cut is they take an 80% commission….there’s a reason they’re taking over the world.)
Suggestion…create an “advertise here” link under the google ad tower, offer the same size tower ad for 5x what you made last month from Google, and field the offers. Someone will meet your price and your standards.