…you might want to read this webpage by a Brazilian woman about the Shangri-La Diet. And feel free to tell me what it says.
More. The Portuguese edition of The Shangri-La Diet is titled A Dieta Shangri-la. Its ISBN number is 978-85-7684-168-5.
…you might want to read this webpage by a Brazilian woman about the Shangri-La Diet. And feel free to tell me what it says.
More. The Portuguese edition of The Shangri-La Diet is titled A Dieta Shangri-la. Its ISBN number is 978-85-7684-168-5.
Keeping it short, what she says is good.
thanks, Dennis
Here’s Google’s machine translation:
Interview with author of the diet – Seth Roberts
The author of the diet Seth Roberts agreed to answer questions that all we have on the diet, or any other questions, in an interview.
I will organize the questions to which he responds, then publicarei here on the blog!
The deadline is until 14/08 to send their questions and doubts!
I hope the collaboration of you!
Send your questions! It may be by mail, in the commentary here in my blog or orkut profile: https://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=1796069216891997996
Sobre Dietas… About Diet …
Today I found a very interesting article on diets and weight loss based on searches and would like to post a summary here since the article is long…
For those who take an interest in original article in English: https://www.amptoons.com/blog/archives/2006/04/03/the-case-against-weight-loss-dieting
The case against the Diet
“Probably no medical advice is given as often and with so little rational basis on the pressure for obese people lose weight”
1) Para a maioria das pessoas obesas, as Dietas não funcionam 1) For most obese people, the Diet will not work
This means two things: that the amount of weight that is lost is not the person ceases to be obese and that this loss is generally not maintained. There is no clinical study demonstrating a long-term success in losing weight (5 years). Large companies earn billions of dollars with promises of weight loss every year, but if a company could certainly make obese people in thin would make more money than any other company on the planet.
One possibility that would impede the loss of weight permanently would be for our bodies fit for the reduction of calories ingested by decreasing the metabolic rate and increasing the proportion of food stored as fat. This means that the more you make diets, vai be more difficult to lose weight in the long term.
2) Weight loss does increase the probability of dying before you
Often people gain back the weight they lost, but that does not mean that they returned to where they were at the point of view of health. This means that there are studies indicating that the weight loss reduces mortality and others that indicate that even increases.
Sometimes people who have diets are more likely to die of cardiovascular problems that obese people who keep their weight stable.
Especially people who lose weight and come back to win it (the effect sanfona) further increase the risks to the health effects such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer …
Moderate physical exercises is the only thing proven that it increases its longevity and quality of life …
3) The idea of “normalizing” the dietary habits is a myth
Normally if you believe that people are obese because they eat more and thus are less exercise and that people are thin. Which is as thin eat fatty would also be obese, and that if the obese eat normally as they lean iram slimmer.
Many studies have tried to show that obese people eat more calories, but have had no success. It is true that many people above the weight have diets rich in calories, fats, fast food, etc., but there are many thin people who eat well. Our body is much more complicated than a simple matter of eating more or less and spend as of calories.
4) Para Resumir: 4) To summarise:
– “Nunca foi comprovado cientificamente que uma dieta produza substancial perda de peso em longo prazo, a não ser em uma minúscula quantidade de indivÃduos.” — “It has never been scientifically proven that a diet produce substantial weight loss, in the long term, unless in a tiny quantity of individuals.”
– “If the diet work or not, people who make them is most likely to die sooner than those who keep their weight stable or who gain weight slowly.”
– “For obese people (or anyone) concerned about their health, the best option is probably moderate exercise and eating fruit, vegetables without worrying about standards of beauty and weight.”
– “The model that anyone looking for losing weight is based on that obese people eat more and must learn to eat as thin, is probably a myth.”
Responding to the criticism …
I found a blog by Stephen M (https://www.ethesis.blogspot.com/) very interesting diet on the Shangri-la. He began the diet on November 13, 2005 with almost 110 kilos and in April 15, 2006 already weighed 87 kg or less 23 pounds in 5 months …
It continues with the diet until today to maintain and says be very happy and keep its 81kg today. A great example of perseverance and strength in the mirror and we must follow. The blog it is very interesting and I advise those who want to read a story of success (in English).
Well, but let’s answers to some of Stephen’s criticisms of the diet and some other found on the Internet:
Todo esse óleo não pode ser saudável!! All this oil can not be healthy!
– The amount of oil that is taken in the diet is less than if one eats a large portion of fries.
– Some proven benefits of olive oil: It is a versatile food and essential to health as it benefits the gallbladder and liver, stimulates the secretion of bile and tonicity of tissues, also serving as nerve tonic, stimulates muscle contraction.
The intake of olive oil is good for people suffering from cholesterol because it helps to dissolve the deposits of cholesterol.
You were just lucky
– The calorie intake in the diet shangri-there are differences.
With 3 tablespoons of soup Stephen maintained its 85 kg for almost 2 years.
If it reduces the quantity, weight gain and when increases start to lose weight.
– With 50 years is hard to change the metabolism to lose weight as other diets speak …
Only restriction of calories / starvation diets and exercises to work
– For 2 / 3 of 2.8% of people who can make a diet with much conviction is successful.
– With the diet shangri it if you have to lose 18kg or more, 75% of people seem to have success and maintain the weight reached.
Mas você deveria apreciar a comida! But you should enjoy the food!
– You’ll still enjoying the food. Just eat less and eat more if their metabolism fits.
– Many people try doing this diet try new flavors
– Much better not be slave to food.
I could never follow this diet
– Why not?
— It is cheap and uses ingredients you have in your home
… — You can even take the oil in the middle of the night when most convenient to you …
! It makes no sense!
.. — There is the theory of Seth behind the diet …
Why do not you try too?