Assorted Links

Thanks to Carl Willat, Peter McDonnell, Stephen Marsh, and someone else whose name I cannot find.

4 thoughts on “Assorted Links

  1. Aren’t many probiotics also somewhat antibiotics to “bad” bacteria, like kombucha?

    If I recall correctly, probiotics are often like this — they tend to exterminate bad bacteria. That you should only take an “antibiotic” probiotic when you’re sick seems to ignore that you have bacteria in you at all times, and that maybe it’s better to continually bias that bacteria to favor the good stuff over the bad.

  2. I was thinking about making Kombucha, but the link that you have posted to has convinced me that it isn’t the best of ideas. However, I have heard that drinking a small amount of apple cider vinegar(another fermented beverage) is also supposed to have very good effects on your long term health. Any thoughts on to the what the different effects of different fermented, acidic beverages are?

  3. Paul, I think the benefits of different fermented acid beverages are the same. They improve immune function. I suspect digestive improvements are small.

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