A few nights ago I slept surprisingly well: I woke up feeling more rested than usual. Each morning I judge how rested I feel on a scale from 0 to 100 where 0 = as if I hadn’t slept and 100 = completely drained of tiredness. I got scores of 100 after standing 9 or 10 hours during the day. That showed what was possible but that much standing was unsustainable. Without extreme standing, 99 has seemed to be the maximum.
A few nights ago, I did better. The ratings for that night and the preceding four nights were: 98.9, 98.8, 99, 98.8, 99.2. Doesn’t look like much, but actually the improvement was so clearly unusual I didn’t need records to notice it. If I gave the scores for the preceding 100 nights you’d see it was rare to score above 99. Moreover, I was keeping the amount of animal fat I ate constant, unlike previous nights with scores above 99. The difference between 98.8 and 99.2 is easy to notice. Think of the difference between 12 and 8.
What had improved my sleep? I could think of four unusual things about the preceding day:
1. Several cloves of garlic in the pork-belly soup I ate for lunch. I’d never before added any garlic.
2. I began using f.lux, which reduced the color temperature of my computer screen after sunsight.
3. I’d played Dance Dance Revolution (on the Wii) for 10 minutes at 8 pm. Usually I do it in the morning (much longer, 30-50 minutes).
4. More bike riding than usual (including two long stretches that added up to 66 minutes).
All four seemed unlikely. 1. Who’d heard of garlic improving sleep? Not me. 2. Laptop screens are quite dim compared to sunlight. 3. The amount of exercise was small. I’d played Wii Tennis for longer periods in the evening without noticing any change. DDR in the morning hadn’t made an obvious difference. 4. I’d ridden my bike for 50-odd minutes at a stretch without noticing better sleep. This was only slightly more.
Now I am testing these possibilities. If you have any idea which it is — perhaps it is none of them — please comment.
Problem went away and then came back. I eat a high fat diet, low in carbs (especially refined ones) and high in protein. I also supplement with vitamin E, D etc. I drink some bacteria rich yogurt but probably nothing as good as the stuff you’re growing :-).
Even if you wake up to go take a pee, quickly jot your dream down.
As for the few of us who dont sleep reguarly, and i mean 2 or 3hours at a time if im lucky, and who dont dream, (ever cat-napped during the day, think only 10mins have passed but its really been 3 or 4 hours ? I do that every time, i dont dream anymore), do whatever you can to experiment.
Try random beds, places, catch up on the books you want to (re)read, etc.
ALso watch the movie “cash-back”. An extra 8 hours per day can be some what liberating.