I described earlier my theory about foot fungus — that mine, at least, has been caused by socks. It recently got worse. Consistent with my theory, I had just gotten a dozen new pairs of socks of a new material. My theory suggested I buy new socks of a different material (I did), change socks more often (I did), and go sockless more often (I did). As soon as I made these changes, the fungus went away. More support for the theory. A few other people (see the comments to my earlier post) and a friend have had experiences that also support the theory.
My Berkeley doctor didn’t know this theory. He looked at my foot fungus and repeatedly suggested certain non-prescription medicines. I haven’t seen this point made elsewhere, although you can find a list of 20 things to do that includes “change your socks often”.
Sometimes doctors (and medical schools) are criticized for lack of emphasis on nutrition. Sometimes they are criticized for lack of emphasis on prevention. This was neither: it was cure and non-nutritional. Curing infection is one of the main things doctors try to do, which is why antibiotics are heavily-prescribed.
Suppose you bring a task to Programmer A. He has done a long education in programming followed by a long internship, and then passed a difficult screening test to become “board-certified”. To maintain his certification he takes “continuing education” classes. He returns with a 100-line program that fails to work. (The medicines my doctor recommended failed to work. He thought the failure was due to my not following the directions closely enough.) Then a 10-year-old boy gives you a 3-line program that works perfectly. You would realize your society is fond of make-believe — in particular, making believe that those who teach programmers understand their subject.