The Shangri-La-Diet Effect

A friend wrote:

Took 3 tbsp of flaxseed oil this morning and held my nose and drank the oil w/water. Â It worked! Â I had brought food for work, I didn’t eat hardly any of it. Â And I didn’t think about losing weight all day, first time in all my life….

As far as I’m concerned, it never gets old.

Alex Chernavsky: Eight months on the Shangri-La Diet.

2 thoughts on “The Shangri-La-Diet Effect

  1. i’ve had good results too, not far from alex C. (6 months, adherence to the ‘diet’ is very easy, down from 205 to 186, goal 175, rate of change slowing, but so is my desire to reach my goal because i’ve got most of the benefits already.)

    what i’ve been wondering though is why it hasn’t taken off more than it has.

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