The Treatment Trap by Rosemary Gibson

The Treatment Trap, a new book by Rosemary Gibson, is about the overuse of medical care — too much medicine. In this talk, Gibson tells how a woman getting a heart check-up overheard a conversation: “We’re only doing 9 bypasses a day, we need 14 a day to keep this place running.” The result of her check-up: She needed a bypass!

My encounter with too much surgery (and here). The Safe Patient Project is gathering stories of overtreatment, although it is unclear what they will do with them.

2 thoughts on “The Treatment Trap by Rosemary Gibson

  1. I’m fairly sure I was forced to get a root canal while being treated at a dental school clinic in Boston. My student dentist needed to do one, so her supervisor came over and banged -hard- on my tooth until, lo and behold, I needed a root canal. Since it was for her exam, she paid for it, but still….

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