- Shangri-La Diet story. “The day before last I had an in n out burger, fries and cream pie. It was my B-day!”
- radiation hormesis and Japan
- speaking of Japan, beauty nose: lose weight and make your nose more attractive
- Andrew Gelman illustrates how to plot data. Incidentally, time-use data like what Andrew plots led me to discover that seeing faces in the morning improved my mood the next day.
- California State proposed bill to restrict nutritional advice. Registered Dieticians want to put people with ideas different from theirs out of business.
- Bill McKibben calls the science of climate change “the easy part. . . . The scientific method has worked splendidly to outline our dilemma”.
- Steve McIntyre on Climategate
- fermented food in Beijing
Thanks to Peter Spero and VeganKitten.
cream pie!! omg!!