Assorted Links

Thanks to Melissa McEwen and Bryan Castañeda.

6 thoughts on “Assorted Links

  1. i) Mango: I don’t know the African variety but can vouch for the Pakistani ones – delicious.
    ii) Yog: I buy Total and when I want a bit of fruitiness stir in some of my wife’s wild bramble jam. Delicious too.
  2. Agree on yogurt. I don’t know if there are health benefits (no-fat versions seem to be most common), but plain slightly tart strained yogurt certainly does taste great when you mix in some jam or jelly.
  3. Mangoes–university where mangoes are a major export (Benin) publishes a study showing that mangoes cause weight loss. Please don’t judge me, but I’m a little skeptical.
    Seth: I am more than a little skeptical.

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