Magnesium and Rectum Healing

After I posted a link to an article about magnesium deficiency (“50 studies suggest that magnesium deficiency is killing us”), a reader who wishes to be anonymous looked into it.

After reading your post about magnesium oil, I read up on it, and thought I’d try it. I didn’t notice any difference, but I have a report. In my reading, I came across stories of people who sprayed the oil on wounds.

I have a recurring minor irritation that, when it occurs, usually takes weeks to heal. Passing a large stool can cause small tears in the rectum, so small they don’t even bleed but nonetheless can be felt. If another stool, even a regular-sized one, passes before the tears heal, they are painfully re-opened, though not re-opened fully. The pain is not severe but is, frankly, a pain in the ***. In my case it usually takes weeks for the tears to completely heal.

I was a couple weeks into this cycle when my bottle of magnesium oil arrived. I had read that it promotes healing and some people spray it on wounds. So I sprayed it on my irritated area once a day for three days, and on the third day when I passed a stool there was no pain! Never before had it healed so quickly, and I’ve had this problem at least once a year for over ten years.

I’m impressed. This resembles a theory making an unlikely prediction that turns out to be true. Other examples of magnesium benefits are here and here. Maybe magnesium will improve my sleep. That should be easy to test.

6 thoughts on “Magnesium and Rectum Healing

  1. We live in a hard water area so there’s presumably lots of Ca (certainly) and Mg (possibly) in the water. Perhaps I should phone the Water Company and enquire.

  2. Seth, isn’t your sleep quality already at 99+/100? How will you detect any additional improvement?
    Seth: When I wake up I rate how rested I feel on a scale from 0 to 100%. On this scale, the difference between 99% and 100% is easy to notice — even though it may not seem like much. I think what I am rating is how much remains of something, where 100% = none. Maybe it is easier to see why 1% and 0% can be easy to distinguish.

  3. FYI: One common treatment for hemmorrhoids is to take a bath in epsom salt water; epsom salts are high in magnesium…
    I’ve twice now floated in a sensory deprivation room in 10 inches of water saturated with epsom salts — I wonder how much the calming exuberance I and others feel during and afterwards is tied to the absorption of magnesium…

  4. > Maybe magnesium will improve my sleep. That should be easy to test.
    I look forward to the analysis. As it happens, I’ve already started randomized & blinded consumption of 800mg magnesium citrate, and sleep will be one of the endpoints.

  5. People’s experiences with magnesium seem to vary. Some claim it helps them sleep, others say it keeps them up.
    When I first used magnesium (200mg/d), on day four I slept longer/deeper than I had in years. But the effect wore off and my sleep returned to “baseline”. I tried increasing the dose (400mg/d), but it made my sleep worse. At 400mg/d I also developed diarrhea.

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