- Stephen J. Gould, evolutionary theorist: appearing to be smart
- “ A revolution is when you change your thinking.” I agree. Via Danielle Fong.
- Brain glycogen. Not all glycogen is in the liver.
- Ethiopians (in Ethiopia) don’t eat dessert. Evidence that traditional diets may not be optimal.
- Katherine Reid on how dietary changes eliminated her daughter’s autism (talk)
- The Floyd Leg. A shockingly simple great idea.
- Eric Lander, a professor at MIT and Harvard, says we should spend a lot of money on genomics without providing examples where it has been helpful. “The rate of progress is just stunning,” says Lander, again without examples. Perhaps he borrowed this style of argument from the Nobel Prize press office. I am sorry to see James Fallows, the interviewer, be so credulous. Dear Dr. Lander: Why is it that doctors have no clue what causes heart disease or diabetes or depression or a dozen other major diseases — but think they do? Is more money for genomics going to help with that?
Thanks to Edward Edmonds and Bert Sutherland.
Wow, just wow at the Katherine Reid video. I got chills and tears in my eyes watching the last video of Brooke talking about kindergarten. This subject is worth a deeper look.
All great ideas evoke the question: “Why hasn’t anyone thought about this before?” The Floy Leg is compelling. I like it very much.
Re: Katherine Reid’s video, I like it! We are not only what we eat, but are also what we eat eats. WHOLE FOOD = REAL FOOD.