Assorted Links

Thanks to Sean Curley and Alex Chernavsky.

6 thoughts on “Assorted Links

  1. Long ago I worked at a university with a famously good medical school. I asked what sorts of dexterity tests were applied to the candidates for admission. “None.”

    I suppose that the ancient test of tossing ‘em a cricket ball and seeing if they could catch it was viewed as infra dig.

    Seth: This reminds me of when I asked a Berkeley professor of epidemiology about his upcoming introduction to epidemiology class. “Do you cover what causes immune function to get better or worse?” No, he said.

  2. Catching a cricket ball may or may not be relevant– as far as I can tell, there are many kinds of dexterity.

    I became a good calligrapher rather easily, but throwing and catching are my strong points.

  3. The Japanese pickle microbe study was conducted by a food company with a probiotics business. Yet somehow the authors declare “no competing financial interests.”

  4. “The Japanese pickle microbe study was conducted by a food company with a probiotics business. Yet somehow the authors declare “no competing financial interests.””

    good point.

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