- Jason Epstein on Jane Jacobs. He edited most of her books.
- How former Emory psychiatrist Charles “Disgraced” Nemeroff found a home at the University of Miami. A comment on the article put it well: “I am even more concerned as to the scientific truth and validity of the studies, drugs, treatments etc they [= Nemeroff and his supporters] have been involved in.” At the same time her university was hiring Nemeroff, the president of the University, Donna Shalala, sent out a letter boasting how the University of Miami was increasing the “integrity” of their medical school by improving policies related to conflicts of interest! “There is no room for compromise in this area,” wrote Shalala.
- More about Jane Jacobs
Thanks to Dave Lull, Paul Sas and Alex Chernavsky.
“UM officials had serious concerns about Nemeroff’s history of ethical blunders…”: blunders? That’s not the mot juste, surely?