3 thoughts on “More Med School Profs Behaving Badly: Professor Lila Nachtigall

  1. I wonder if med school profs are worse than other profs because they typically have to raise much or most of their salaries. I know at the Colorado med school, professors had to raise 75% of their salaries on their own.

    My experience with a friend who had unexplained stomach pain was instructive. She saw 6 “experts”, 3 who worked for fixed salaries at institutions (Kaiser, Stanford, etc.) and 3 who were in the marketplace getting paid based on what they brought in each year. The three who were on fixed salaries were professionally cordial, and openly admitted that they could not say with confidence what was causing her pain. The three who were not on fixed salaries were very touchy feely and charming and spoke with complete confidence about the cause.

    I don’t think this was accidental; I’d love to see formal research on this…

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