Gary Wolf, a writer for Wired, and Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired, have formed a San Francisco Bay Area Meetup group called The Quantified Self.
This is a monthly show and tell for people taking advantage of various kinds of personal tracking – geotracking, life-logging, DNA sequencing, etc. – to gain more knowledge about themselves. Come whare what you are doing, and learn from others. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Chemical Body
- Load Counts
- Personal Genome Sequencing
- Lifelogging
- Self Experimentation
- Risks/Legal Rights/DutiesBehavior monitoring
- Location tracking
- Non-invasive Probes
- Digitizing Body Info
- Sharing Health Records
- Psychological Self-Assesments
- Medical Self-Diagnostics
The first meeting, which I will eagerly attend, will be on September 10 (Wed) evening in Pacifica. Sign up for details.