The Twilight of Expertise (part 10: book reviewers)

According to Publisher’s Weekly, a new program at called

Amazon Vine rewards the site’s elite reviewers by giving them access to advance copies. According to a representative at Amazon, invitations have gone out to the site’s “top reviewers,” deemed so by their review rankings, to become Vine Voices.

I once read about a Los Angeles catering business that wasn’t doing so well until they doubled their prices. This is the opposite of that.

From Seth Godin:

When the Times switched from 10 books on the Hardcover [Best Sellers] list, they created a list of 15 Hardcover [Best Sellers] and a list of 5 Advice, How To and Miscellaneous [Best Sellers]. I wrote in and asked the editor why they only had 5 titles on this list and 15 on the others. She wrote back and said,

“Because we don’t want people to read those books.”

Pride goeth before a fall.

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