2 thoughts on “Secrets of a Successful Blog (part 4)

  1. It’s hard to manage all four facets of a successful blog. I can do the first three, where I am personal, write about my interest, and entertaining. Being regular and frequent doesn’t work out for me. I have to find a good article and the passion to write about it. I need to have that spark of fire that drives me to write and I don’t have that everyday. I have blogs inside me waiting to come out but I just don’t have the fire to write them aggressively. I am going to try to write more frequently. That should be my goal.

  2. Thanks for explaining that. It once seemed daunting to write 5 posts a week, much less 7. Now I write more than 7. One of my students did a project on remembering her dreams. It got easier and easier, she found.

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