Interview about Self-Experimentation (postscript)

One of my favorite writers is Vladimir Nabokov. When he was alive, I not only read all his books but tried to read every word he wrote (in English). I have a folder full of photocopied interviews from newspapers and magazines. Late in his career, after my folder had become thick, Nabokov did something surprising: Came out with a book of interviews (Strong Opinionshere and here are excerpts), which put into book form most of what was in my folder. He wrote his answers to interview questions so this made some sense. Yes!, I thought, these interviews are just as interesting as I’ve always thought. I’d already read each of them about five times; I read them a few more times in book form.

I was such a big fan of Nabokov, and I liked his written interviews so much, that posting my answers to interview questions (here and here) was not an emotionally-neutral event. Partly it was a huge thrill — like being on your favorite TV show. Like being Nabokov For a Day. And partly it was humbling: My answers were way way worse than his.

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