- Fruit kimchi recipe
- Eight types of natto at all-you-can-eat natto restaurant in Tokyo. This calls for a trip to Tokyo!
- Yale University gives Nobel Prize to someone who didn’t win one. Oops.
- Michael Lewis on the last crisis. ”I don’t feel, oh, how sad that Lehman went down. I feel, how sad that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley didn’t follow.”
Category: natto
Assorted Links
- Natto Commuter Pass. Really. A Tokyo restaurant has innovative ways to sell/serve natto.
- How to give an academic talk. I agree with almost all of this but it leaves out two important things: 1. Be as emotional as possible. Convey as much emotion as possible. 2. Tell stories. A good talk is a story.
- Repetition in the history of diets
- Fermentation bubbles back into the mainstream (newspaper article)
- Stinky cheeses in China
- Aaron Swartz lawyers accuse prosecutor Stephen Heymann of misconduct
- Michael Wolff on Renata Adler
Thanks to Rashad Mamood.