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  • The Practice of Personal Science (talk by Gary Wolf)
  • fingerprints predict mental abilities (might be gated).
  • “When compared with nondepressed individuals, both medically ill and medically healthy patients with MDD [Major Depressive Disorder] have been found to exhibit all of the cardinal features of inflammation.” Article here.
  • “A professor of physics [from Australia] told me: Brian [J. O’Brian, a professor of physics], I completely support what you’re saying [about lack of evidence for man-made climate change], but I’ve got 65 researchers in my laboratory and the only funding I can get for them and to get their PhDs is greenhouse funding from Canberra or wherever. Twenty years people have been indoctrinated.”. Excerpts here.

Thanks to Mark’s Daily Apple.

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Thanks to Dave Lull and Aaron Blaisdell.

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Thanks to Tim Lundeen, J.C. and Ben Casnocha.

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Thanks to Dennis Mangan.

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Thanks to Grace Jone, Anne Weiss and Bryon Castañeda.

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