My Holocaust

I don’t read many novels but I think I’m going to read this one, which says that Holocaust denial is “the new heresy.” Exactly.


For 70-431, there are a number of routes. You can either clear 70-297 first and then go for 70-294 or you can directly jump to 70-292 as well.

6 thoughts on “My Holocaust

  1. Uh, of all the various aspects of the book, why did you choose to zero in on that one?

    Some heresies are heresies because people in positions of influence are afraid of them being true. Others are so merely because they’re almost solely espoused by the malevolent and/or stupid.

  2. That particular feature of the book is a neat expression of what I consider a basic but little-remarked truth about human nature: Disagreements have a funny way of being overreacted to. Calling this or that belief you disagree with a “heresy” is an example.

  3. I think the author of “My Holocaust” is saying that there are also similarities — similarities in how the people who disagree (the minority) are treated (by the majority). And I agree with her: there are similarities.

  4. You can deny the existence of God, the divinity of Christ, but woe on to you if you deny the sacred mysteries of the holohoax. You will end up in jail in Israel and most European countries for such a transgression.

    Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826), 3rd American President: “It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”

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