Speaking of Gifts

Yesterday I knocked something off a table and caught it before it fell very far. “Nice catch,” said an observer. I too was surprised. Today the same thing happened. Something fell and I surprised myself by catching it. I think it’s the omega-3. Tests showed that flaxseed oil reduces my “simple reaction time” — the time to push a button as quickly as possible in response to a signal.

9 thoughts on “Speaking of Gifts

  1. Catching things that I used to drop—for example, keys—was the first effect that I noticed. (I take 2.5 grams of OmegaBrite fish oil capsules a day.)

  2. Seth, I know this may be covered elsewhere- but what type of balance between omega 3s and 6s do you strive for? Seems that with 2-3 tbsp of flax oil- you would need a lot of omega 6 oils to make up for the 3 or 4 to 1 ratio of omega3s to 6s in flax oil.

  3. Aaron, I don’t worry about getting enough omega-6. It’s everywhere in our food system. Nuts, olive oil, other vegetable oils, etc. I don’t know what the optimal omega-3/omega-6 ratio is.

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