5 thoughts on “Ask Your Dentist Some Pointed Questions

  1. Thanks, Chip, that’s helpful. As for the Quackwatch article, it’s by Stephen Barrett. My mom told me he criticized a website named Planetree that helps average people get medical research information. I suppose he felt they couldn’t be trusted with it; the details of his criticism are no longer on Quackwatch. Given that attitude, I don’t take him seriously.

    I’d guess the criticism of the video is right. But I also think the video probably makes a correct point: mercury probably does leak from your mercury amalgam fillings into your body.

  2. I e-mailed IAOMT to ask them about this question of mercury vapors rising vs. falling. I have quite a few amalgam fillings in my mouth, so I want to get to the bottom of this. I’ll post another comment if and when I get a response from them.

    As for Stephen Barrett, he tends to go after the easy targets. I’d have more respect for him if he exposed the pseudoscience behind more-conventional treatments that have no basis in science.

  3. The only reason anyone listens to Stephen Barrett is because he bought a great URL.

    More really ought to be required.

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