Rotten Fish are Everywhere

Somebody anonymous with an amusingly-named blog became a vegan while working in a Thai restaurant:

Now here’s something surprising: my bosses were interested in helping me be a vegan. “Oh, that silly white boy and his eating experiments,” they’d say. Vang, the chef, learned to create delicious curry without fish sauce–learning how to dump plenty of salt and sugar into the coconut milk to compensate for the rotten fish. Plus, they introduced me the power of hot sauce, namely Sriracha Sauce–a love affair that continues to this very day. . . .

One of my uncles, who is possibly a little retarded and probably a little mentally ill, says that hot sauce kills all the germs in your body (yes, he claims all of them), thus making it impossible to get sick.

No, it’s the rotten fish that does that.

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