“I Started Eating More Fermented Food…” (continued)

Previously: Tucker Max found that drinking two bottles per day of kombucha for a a week had several easy-to-notice unexpected benefits.

I have some comments:

1. The best thing about these observations is how simple the change is: two bottles/day of a readily available kombucha brand. Very easy to duplicate — let’s not worry about matching Tucker’s weight, etc.

2. The speed with which the changes were noticed (within a week) makes the whole thing even easier to try to duplicate.

3. Kombucha was not one of the fermented foods from which I drew my conclusions about fermented foods. Bacteria are so varied that the notion that all fermentation bacteria have somehow the same effect isn’t easy to believe. But since the prediction about fermented foods (they are highly beneficial) turned out to be true maybe there is something to this.

4. My idea that we like umami tastes, sour tastes, and complex flavors so that we will eat more bacteria-laden food (which nowadays would be fermented food) is saying that we need plenty of these foods. Why else would evolution have tried so hard to make us eat them? The implication is they should be part of every diet, like Vitamin C. When someone deficient in any vitamin begins eating that vitamin, the deficiency symptoms go away very quickly, within a few weeks, usually. The changes are easy to notice. So the details of what Tucker observed – the speed and size of the improvements — support my general idea that there is a widespread deficiency here that can be easily fixed.

5. I used to make kombucha. I’m going to start again.

4 thoughts on ““I Started Eating More Fermented Food…” (continued)

  1. Do you think this is true of any homemade vinegar?

    Admittedly I have zero experience but it strikes me as tea flavored slightly active vinegar. The tea flavor would be improved by the temporary presence of alcohol.

  2. A Beekeeper has had an amazing experience with kombucha:

    “I’d been afflicted with a skin aliment since my youth. There’s no know cure. Modern medicine can relieve the symptoms. But the drugs used have more long term side effects that are worse than any benefits. Well, within 24 hours, the itching associated with the irritated skin disappeared. Within three days, the slight swelling associated with the irritated skin also disappeared. Within a month, 99% of the irritated areas disappeared.

    During that time, I lost joint pain that had plagued me for a decade, commercial beekeeping is rough on the back and joints. I regained full movement in my right shoulder. And a sense of wellness replaced what ever biologically stressed out condition I thought was normal.

    Once you’re over 50, some of the things lost along the way become more apparent. Hair texture, intestinal fortitude, urinary function, energy level, and sexual prowess all decrease. And weight increases. Using kombucha, a probiotic, has reversed my losses to that of a man 10 to 15 years younger. And I’ve lost some weight. Before using it, I felt old. After using it, I feel alive. Using kombucha has been the most phenomenal physiological experience of my life.”

    He also writes about using probiotics with honeybees.

    From: https://www.bwrangler.com/npro.htm

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