
I finally decided to get a Wii Dance Dance Revolution. This required getting a Wii, and had the lowest prices. Curiously they shipped from China, where Wii’s are not for sale. I searched for “ complaints” and “ sucks” and found nothing. Okay, I thought. As it turned out my credit-card payment did not go through so I haven’t lost any money but here is what should have made me suspicious:

1. The site didn’t work very well. One of the error messages I kept getting made no sense.

2. It didn’t take direct credit card payments. The credit-card payments were made through Paypal.

3. Delivery was not only free, it was really fast — 2-5 days.

4. The site listed FedEx as a delivery choice in one place but not on the home page.

5. Although there were about 9,000 Google hits for, when I went to the pages the ads weren’t there. They were brief ads. And only ads.

When I searched “ scam” — after the purchase — I did find useful information that confirmed my fears. One persuasive point was that the site was registered only a week ago. This is why there was so little negative information available. Foolish me.

More “My credit-card payment did not go through” — that’s what I was told when I called Paypay. But then I got an email saying it had gone through. Ugh! So I called Paypal again and complained. And was told I needed to call back in a week when I hadn’t gotten the stuff. Then I waited a week and called Paypal for the third time. And then I was told a dispute had already been filed and — when it was resolved in my favor — I would get an email saying the money had been refunded. So I had to call Paypal three times (so far) to deal with this and one of those times was given wrong information.

The story continues.

84 thoughts on “ Scam

  1. So, did you get the wii? I found the site as well and was doing my research on it as well. Your blog came up but I didn’t understand what you thought about it. Was it a scam? You didn’t get what you ordered? Thanks

  2. Natalie, my payment to the site did not go through. Yes, I am saying the site is fake and that if my payment had gone through I would not have gotten anything.

  3. I work for a manufacturer (in the outdoor industry) and there’s no way we would sell to an online business like this.

    To me, probably the biggest red flag here is the lack of a physical address and phone number. If they can ship so quickly, surely they must have a warehouse in the continental US. Do they even have a customer service department? How about a business address? Is this just some guy operating out of his apartment? How can they manage all communication through just one single email address? Either they must not communicate that much and they must not sell very much (which would make them unable to get such great deals), or they are sorely lacking in the service department. This is a concern not only for consumers, but also manufacturers who would need to contact them.

    General rule of thumb regarding internet sales: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  4. You might be right. But here’s what I think: An address in China would be easy to fake. Amazon doesn’t have an obvious address, phone number, or even, perhaps, a customer service department that you can reach by phone. The shipping is only a little fast — I often get stuff in a day or two if it’s flown at some point.
    “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” The prices didn’t sound too good to be true. They were no lower than many actual Chinese prices (at tiny stores). I’ve bought shoes in Beijing for 80% less than I’d pay in America. Even before the internet, I often bought electronics for far less than retail.

  5. i bought a wii from there but luckily papypal refunded me the money!!
    I thought i should take a risk as i know paypal could give me my money back if i opened a dispute….
    In conclusion DONT BUY FROM THIS SITE!

  6. I beleive this is scam! I placed a Nitendo Wii bundle with some additional games on July 30th and received an immediate order confirmation from gamesinwelt support center and a payment receipt from paypal. But then after 2 days when I did NOT receive any shipment confirmation from the seller, I sent an email to gamesinwelt support center but still no response. Then I called paypal and asked them to help. Paypal sent an email to the seller, Mr.Peng Lin, on my behalf on Monday, August 3rd and as of today, 8/4/09, I did not receive any response.

    Now, after I read your experiences, I am going to request Paypal to refund my money.

  7. Hey Seth,
    Otto,I just brought $350 worth of wii stuff online through this company…. Also i am in Australia, I really hope what you say isnt true( no offence).
    I am a single mother on a pension… I thought this was really cheap, the site didnt look fake to me….shit what have i done?

  8. Hello, I’m from maryland and I just purchased a wii from this company, I am very weary after reading this, to put my mind at ease I look to further investigation of this site. Thanks for the warning, but I will get my wii!!! come hell or high water.

  9. Ok … Not happy I just have been had by the same company. I also received a paypal receipt but inputted my CC directly and now 3 days later the transaction has gone through with no contact with game in welt no email for shipping.


  10. DEFINITELY A SCAM! Thanks to all the bloggers on this site for alerting us. I just wish I would have read this site before I purchased. Just contacted PayPal & they will require you to file a dispute (after several days of waiting for no item). They’ll investigate and if they rule in your favor, you’ll get a refund.

  11. i have only just ordered mine, i have asked the seller a question but they haven’t replied back.
    I dont even think the email went throght to them.

  12. i found using Google search engine on 7/31. i was suspicious and researched this company for scams/rip offs. after coming up empty, i reluctantly placed an order using a major credit card.
    it’s been a week and my order is still in “new” status. i’ve emailed “service” several times and haven’t received one response.
    the detail on my credit card shows the merchant as: Mark Paypal, Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA and that the purchase was “professional business services”.
    today, i contacted my CC company and reported this site to the IC3.
    i’ve found this vendor on many major search engines and websites including Monster’s Marketplace….

  13. i to had also purchased a psp 3000 bundle for $112 on this same scam site on the 28th of july n i got a confirmation abt my order from the site but its been ova a week now and i haven’t received any confirmation of payment and tracking info. I was sooooooooooo pissed and deceided 2 cal paypal and they opened a case for me. They are currently investigating it so hopefully i would be able to get my money back!!!! The SITE IS A FUCKIN SCAM!!!!

  14. I too was alarmed after looking over several sites and my wife saying that the deal sounded too good to be true. I googled the site beforehand and didnt see this blog today I googled scam, and it confirmed my worst fear that I had been ripped off I even see that the paypal payment I made was to a different party than posted above I opened a dispute as well. I am using this website as cause to believe the site is fraudulent.

  15. I wish I had read the reviews before purchasing my order last week. i have now put a dispute in with paypal and hopefully will get my money back. The offer did seem to good to be true.

  16. Follow Up:
    I have actually found paypals dispute resolution process to be somewhat tedious. I placed the dispute then I called my credit card company and they said if it had posted (it had) I could open a case with them…. It was my bank/debit card so this process was through my bank. I followed the instructions that they gave me and I should have my money back Via chargeback which paypal then yanks the funds from the account they funded. I was lucky I found this website while I was still having my payment in verification stages from paypal so when I recieved the word they funded the other account I filed a dispute immediately. I am not sure what other financial instutions process is but I feel like I am glad I used paypal and my bank card I feel more reassured that I will get my money back, the people at my bank say this is fairly common that this stuff happens.

  17. Would you be interested in writing for The Neave Online Publication? I love your writing style and I feel like you would fit in perfectly with the other writers.

  18. I ordered a Wii bundle on July 25. As indicated by all others I received a confirmation immediately and within 2 days payment was made thru paypal. No response to any emails at this point. I too am contacting paypal for resolution. Thanks to all for your comments – this sure looks like a scam to me.

  19. I too bought something from on july 30, 2009 and I have yet to recieve anything. I’ve sent them three messages and haven’t heard anything what so ever. I am more than convinced that this is a scam. Good thing I used paypal

  20. I too, have been duped by this site. I should have listened to my gut…dang it! So I am in the process of also disputing with PayPal. I hope this all goes smoothly. My question is, after reading everyone’s post, how and why does PayPal continue to do business with this site when there are obviously so many disputes with the site!!! Makes no sense, when I actually get another live person, I think I will ask them this….here goes nothing.

  21. it appears the gamesinwelt site is down or gone but i suspect they have a new site up under a new alias.

    as i said, i reported them to the IC3 = Internet Crime Complaint Center. you can find them at if some of the earlier posters had reported them perhaps less folks would have been ripped off…

    BUYER’s BEWARE! especially on the Internet.

  22. I to have been screwed by this website! I have just filed a claim with paypal! Hopefully, hopefully I will get my money back! Agggggghhhhhh so mad at myself to good to be true website (should have known better)

  23. Just to let everyone know I was just done for $750 and paypal are not going to get it back. They say there is no money in the account and how many of us have been done by this scam. Surly this is a police matter. I am going to my bank tomorrow seeing paypal goes with my debit/credit Visa card and see if i can get it back this way/.

  24. I must have taken a stupid pill and it worked when I purchased my wii on line with this company. The old saying If it is too good to be true then it is not true. These people really prey upon us and what irks me is that they get away with it. How can we really know who to trust on line. Must we do our own background work before we buy anything on line? I guess so, Maybe congress can take a look at all the scamming done on line.

  25. OK–had to put my two-cents worth in. This site ( no longer exists. I was also duped for $220.00. I ordered a Wii system over a month ago, and of course, never got it. Sent 8 e-mails and no response. I thought I would be covered since I used PayPal, but NO! I did file a dispute with PayPal and they ruled in my favor, but the account I paid into no longer existed, or didn’t have the funds to recover. So PayPal’s guarantee really doesn’t work unless the seller leaves the account open with money in it. I am also going to file a claim with my bank–since I used my Visa through PayPal.

  26. Count me in…I got scammed as well. Ordered a Wii on 7/31 and have been trying to get a response from them ever since. I have never been scammed and a buy many products over the internet. This was an eye opener for me and I learned a big lesson! I wonder how much they got from unsuspecting people like us. Unlike you Seth…the charge did go through on my credit card. The charge did not show up until 8/6 so then I thought…we maybe it WAS coming and just shipped late. Stupid me!

  27. I too have been scammed! I have been hoping and trusting in the good of people – but i bought my wii package on the 30th July and have not heard anything but a confirmation email. I am freaked! I am contacting paypal now…oh please god let me get my money back!

  28. can someone please tell me why we should use paypal at all if it offers zero protection??? this site got me as well and i’m still in the process of an extremely tedious claim with paypal, which i believe (based on the above comments) that i will never get my money back. this kind of thing really makes my blood boil. WHAT IS THE POINT PAYPAL?????????

  29. Same story as everyone else. Paypal told me to wait 10 days before I called my credit card company so they could investigate. What’s to investigate? It’s an obvious scam. Can’t wait for paypal to return my money. I called my credit card company directly and they issued me a credit immediately.
    Let Paypal deal with the loss instead of me!!!!!!!
    Everyone should do the same and maybe Paypal will be more selective as to who they deal with.

  30. Well I was informed today that the paypal dispute process ruled in my favor… however since they alert the crook that I am filing a dispute and then give them a whole 10 days to respond to the complaint. Needless to say sinces it was said above that the paypal account that the money went to is bone dry and therefore they cannot refund any of my money, I actaually was already repaid by my banks fraud department and it would have been nice for paypal to recoup that so I could give my bank back the money they so quickly replenished to my account. However paypal did give me these reassurances… and I quote “We will make our best effort to recover the funds in question if they become available in the seller’s account in the future. Please be assured that we will also take appropriate action against the seller’s account, which may include limitation of the seller’s account privileges.” I will be holding my breath… and NOT USING PAYPAL ever again.

  31. DO NOT bother going through PAYPAL to recover the money from this seller. There is nooooooooooo money in their account. I am going through my bank to get my money back.

  32. I would like to know if any one else has had trouble getting the money from their banks after paying with Visa to paypal.I have filed a dispute with my bank (Bank of Queensland) so i hope i get my money back. I thoughtr if you did not get the goods delivered to you that visa repays all the money . Am i correct in thinking this way. Never had to deal with any thing like this before.

  33. Add one more to the sorry list of ripped off folks, Gamesinwelt got $193.00 from us and Paypal says,

    “After careful review, we have concluded our investigation of the Buyer
    Complaint described below.
    We have decided in your favor, however, we were unable to recover any funds
    from the seller’s account. As stated in the PayPal User Agreement, recovery
    of funds associated with a Buyer Complaint cannot be guaranteed.

    So why do any of us use Paypal ? I am so P Off!! Paypal is a rip off too if they don’t stand by their guarantee.

  34. Same story! $300 for a wii and a nintendo ds! the day after my husband ordered I tried to go back to the website and order some games. I got a message saying the company “could not accept paypal at this time” I then emailed paypals customer service nd asked them if this meant that they were not a reputable company that I should not do business with. Paypal said, and I quote “it does not mean that they are not reputable, they could be experiencing problems with their internet connection to paypal.” I was almost stupid enough to western union them (only $9) for a ds game as this was going to be a bday present for my daughter. Paypal also decided in my favor (gee thanks) but there is no money to refund me.
    WHY USE PAYPAL? I thought that was the whole point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. I was scammed by the same company and Pay Pal said that I won but there isn’t any fund.First I’m going to contact the credit card company and then who check into internet fraud.This is my second time and even thou it wasn’t over 200.00 it was my money.Please be careful of a company name also.

  36. I wonder if this means we are all going to get our money back from Paypal.
    Two days ago they had no money in the account and noow Fern says they have finally paid them. I wonder what is going on .

  37. Seth…how do you write a blog so that it will come up in an internet search??? I tried to do a blog about this gamesingate site but when I do a search it does not come up. I got to your site by merely typing in gamesinwelt. HOW did you do that???? I want anyone who types in gamesingate to get information about how they are a SCAM too

  38. Guess what I just logged into using my account and password that i had on gamesinwelt and you will never guess. Up comes all the things that i ordered from Gamesinwelt on the account. DO NOT DEAL WITH GAMESINGATE.COM they are the same peopleas gamesinwelt.cvom. and paypal are dealing with them again. I wonder how many other unsuspecting people will be caught out. I dont know how come the police of FBI or someone cannot get these people.; I just want my $750 BACK. There goes my childrens Xmas.

  39. I was scammed by these people also.. but never again..

    One off the problems is that they have learned how to manipulate the system.
    *They pay their bill to GOOGLE which puts them at the top of the paid advertisers list.
    *They use PAYPAL which we all trust and feel its secure.
    *and their address is out of our reach in China = = (their newest one). If you go to you can see that they are all the same people.

    If you go to a command prompt and ping you will see that their ip address is which i hosted in the US. I don’t know if the current web hoster is involved, but I have asked them to take down the site.

    I may never get my money back, but I am dedicating my time to helping others avoid this SCAM and take down these SCAMMERS.

    Please help me in e-mailing GOOGLE, PAYPAL, the current website host ( and whomever else you can think of.

  40. Wow, I am feeling pretty lucky right now. Just did a search for “purchase Wii consoles online” and up came Gamesingate.COM I was surprised that they were so far below retail that I decided to do a bit of a search into it before purchasing and I am very relieved that I found this site. Please be aware it des look as though GAMESINGATE.COM is the same operator/s as gamesinwelt and is all one big SCAM

  41. I bought a Wii for 203.00 on 8/22. I searched for gamesingate to see if it seemed like a scam, and nothing came up. Now I’m trying to figure out how to get my money back since it’s only been 2 days, but Paypal doesn’t have a very user friendly resolution process. Especially when I’m sure it’s a scam. Any advice?

  42. Hi Seth,

    I made a mistake and did not read the reviews about the site and my payment actually went through. I had ordered it a month back and have not yet received it. Is there any way I can get my money back?

  43. Hi also bought from these scumbags and have lost about $400 AUS, could have been worse!!

    I thought I was doing the right thing by paying via paypal HOWEVER!!!! not so!! I received the responce below and have blown my doe.

    “After careful review, we have concluded our investigation of the Buyer Complaint described below.

    We have decided in your favour, however, we were unable to recover any funds from the seller’s account. As stated in the PayPal User Agreement, recovery of funds associated with a Buyer Complaint cannot be guaranteed.

    We hope you understand our policy and that it reassures you that you are safe using PayPal. ”

    How reassured do you think I feel????

  44. I am not used to buying things from the internet, but did my research before i purchased anything…and paypal was supposed to be safe! They wont give me a refund, as many of you now know – gamesinwelt fund is empty! Can someone please give me advice on how to apply for the bank to refund me the money. Im with the commonwealth bank.
    Please help – im clueless!

  45. Contact your bank and tell them you used paypal through your bank account/credit card and they will look into for you. I am with the NAB and they said it could take up to 90 days for a resolution. Worth doing.

  46. on second thoughts, don’t go through your bank. They contacted me and because i authroised the transaction they are unable to recover any funds for me.
    So Paypal and the banks cannot help and GOD help all those other suckers who decide to buy from these scam arseholes.

  47. Hi Everyone,

    I ordered the US$229.0 package on 26-July-09 (through PayPal), after 1 week I started writing emails to the seller and their office, no reply at all. When chatting to my friends of this bargain, they were so surprised about the deal and tried to make enquiry of it. Of course there is no answer. They find this blog and show me, o my gosh, so many people fall into this scam.
    As I used PayPal, so I lodged a complaint of the seller; PayPal started the investigation about 2 weeks ago. I today received the email from PayPal that they were in favour of me, but I can’t get back any money. Then they had the case closed. Now I have to go to K-mark or Big W to buy the Wii.
    To HELL with PayPal and those arseholes.

  48. Had another call from my bank today and they confirmed that I would not be getting my money back as I authorised the payment. I will be putting this down to experience and in future will be doing my homework first. If the deal looks to good to be true – then don;t buy!

  49. now that i know this website is a scam im wondering if another website is a scam also. if anyone here can give any feedback on it that would be great. the website is they offer really chaep prices on wiis and other gadgets. only when i google them i cvant find any negative reviews.this is what ive found on it:
    im curious to hear what you think before i try buying anything.

  50. Don’t rely on paypal with this one. I put in a dispute and I won but they did not retrieve any money even though they found in my favour. So much for protecting us! I am out of pocket 240 dollars. Very pissed off. Have now filed a complaint with my bank. I am more annoyed that paypal does not protect people from these fraudulent companies.

  51. On August 5th I used PayPal to pay for a Wii and other accessories from gamesinwelt for a total of $337.oo.
    After sending several emails to their “customer service” (obviously with no response) I started a google search and found this site.
    Immediately went to the resolution center on my PayPal account and filed a claim (Aug 14th) at which time received an email explaining that I needed to wait 10 days for the seller to answer… I knew what was going to happen but decided to wait… well… I called customer service to report the new scam under but didn’t push for a resolution on my case at that time.
    On August 24 I received another email indicating that PayPal ruled on my favor but since there were no funds available on the seller’s account they could not refund my money.
    Full of rage wrote back to PayPal and pretty much told them they SUCK!!… I also reminded them about gamesingate and how they were the same people who stole my money in the first place.
    To my surprise I received a new email yesterday from PayPal indicating that they had issued a refund for $337… THE FULL AMOUNT!!!
    Not sure if it was a result of my “follow-up” email or some kind of misscomunication but I got my money back.
    I suggest you all push for a refund; chances are you’ll have to make a few calls and send a couple of emails to PayPal’s customer service but you can get your money (eventually)

  52. I think Paypal are taking the money from Gamesingate site bacause they did the same to me I got my $750 back from paypal. I insisted on talking to a supervisor and told them i wanted my maney back from the games in gate site seeing the otherone scarpered and guess what I got it. Paypal know that this is the same person I think with all the complaint they are taking the money from them. Mind you this wont last long as soon as the guy catches on to what is happening he will close his paypal account. So I suggest get in quick and see if you can get any money back.

  53. Hi Everyone,

    Since Daniel & Suzanne had got back their money from PayPal last week. I tried my luck to chase for my lost from PayPal. To my disappointment I rec’d a letter telling me how secured PayPal would be and we should keep on using it in order to protect our fund, but of the money I lost, IT IS LOST FOREVER !!!!
    I NOW enclosed my reply for everyone to consider action. I had lodged a complaint to the Department of Fair Trading. I think we should report this to the Police too. What do people think?

    “Dear Jennifer
    All I want is a refund as PayPal do owe me a duty of care. It is obvious that inspite of all you are saying, no refund would be made so I would now lodge a formal complaint with the Department of Fair Trading as well as advise people who log onto the blog to do the same. You will be hearing from the Department of Trading shortly.
    It is disgraceful that in order to get a commission, PayPal has put all its clients at risk by dealing with people who set up scams. PayPal keep on telling people how safe it is but when something like this happened, your company do not provide a refund. As you already set a precedent by refunding some people, my legal adviser has advised that I have
    a very strong case once my complaint is lodged with the Department of Fair Trading.

    Old Folks “

  54. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SITE. It is a huge scam and they took me for $165.00. The only reason I decided to take a chance was because Paypal was offered as a payment method and I THOUGHT my money would be protected. WRONG!!!! Basically, they told me that since the purchase wasn’t made from an auction site such as Ebay, they will only assist me in making a claim. Whoopity doo! They basically did nothing. Said they couldn’t get the money from the company ( big shocker) and basically I am out of luck. I could have done that on my own and still gotten the same outcome. Not only am I disappointed by the site taking my money, my opinion of Paypal has totally changed

  55. i have been in contact with Department of Trading here in Perth who is called Department of Commerce Consumer Protection. They are unable to help as the company is outside of Australia so OLD FOLKS it is not worth you writing to them as they are unable to do anything. They advised me that I would need to contact the equivalant of this organisation in China as that is where GAMESINWELT are running out of. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  56. I did lodge a complaint against PayPal, an eBay company with the Department of Fair Trading and created a case. My argument is PayPal was aware of what’s going on (with all the complaints they have been getting and some refunds they gave) and yet they made no attempt to protect our interest. If you read the conditions we accepted (which a lot of people didn’t and unfortunately I was one of them), it offers no protection at all as nothing is guaranteed and is under the sole discretion of PayPal or eBay. We may have suffered a loss this time but we did learn a good lesson. We should warn our friends to be very careful of internet trading and agents like PayPal and eBay. As Laura says “my opinion of PayPal has totally changed” so PayPal has managed to ruin its reputation and in the long run, its business will suffer. Let’s spread it to the word!!

  57. I would mention and remind them that this is where they need to get the money from… that’s how I got my money back

  58. paypal is reviewing my case after many emails to them. I mentioned so i will wait to see what they come back with. I even sent them the link to this blog.

  59. Forget it. Paypal have said unless it was purchsed from EBAY you won;t get your money back. Also unless the seller has money in there account which was purchased outside of EBAY you won;t get your money back. I told PAYPAl that they suck and would not be dealing with them again

  60. Vicki you are absolutley right “Paypal” sucks and i won’t be dealing with them.
    They are as responsible for this scam as f***ing “” coz they could have stoped people to buy from this site.
    lets get this message across not to trust f****ing “PayPal”

  61. It’s interesting to see how PayPal “closed their eyes” and allowed more and more people to be victimized by gamesinwelt/gamesingate scam.
    PayPal allowed this to happen for a few weeks and used other people’s money to issue refunds for the first claims… from my perspective that makes them as guilty as the chinese scammers.
    I wonder when was this scam first brought to PayPal’s attention? … sounds like claims started to pile up around August 2nd or 3rd and I placed my order on august 5th!!!! … HOW CAN PAYPAL SAY THAT THEY “PROTECT” MY PURCHASES WHEN MY ORDER WAS PLACED DAYS AFTER RECEIVING A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF CLAIMS FROM THIS SITE?
    Anyone placed an order after August 5th? maybe we can start building a case from here…

  62. daniel
    What PAYPAL are saying is that because the transaction was not made through an EBAY purchase, you are no longer covered by their protection. It sucks. I made my purchase on 05 Aug.
    This is my response from PAYPAL after appealing their decision.

    After careful review, we have concluded our investigation of the Buyer
    Complaint described below.

    We have decided in your favour, however, we were unable to recover any
    funds from the seller’s account. As stated in the PayPal User Agreement,
    recovery of funds associated with a Buyer Complaint cannot be guaranteed.

    Please know that we will make our best effort to recover the funds in
    question if they become available in the seller’s account in the future,
    and will take appropriate action against the seller. Such action may
    include issuing a warning, a temporary restriction, or terminating the
    account. Keep in mind that PayPal uses a number of factors, including
    member complaints, to determine when to take action. Due to privacy laws,
    we cannot discuss the details of any action taken. We hope you understand
    our policy and that it reassures you that you are safe using PayPal.

  63. I was taken by them and a Company name Ebrandsky who are really making a bundle off of people like us.I called my credit card company and told them that pay pal said I won my case but they couldn’t get the money back and the credit card company did a charge back for me and I got the money that way,as for Ebrandsky they got the money and I don’t think I will get it back.I filed a report with the Internet Crime ( and with TradeKey where I found them and now I’m looking for the Chamber of Commerce in China to see if they will do anything.Sorry it keep happening but we have to do more research.

  64. Daniel is correct in saying that PayPal is as guilty as the Chinese scammers. My husband also fell victim but he eventually got his money back from PalPay after a long long battle. I did some research and people who still did not get their money back could contact the Financial Ombudsman Service on 1300 780 808 for information about their complaint resolution service. If still unsuccessful in resolving the complaint, you may lodge an application with the Consumer Trader and Tenancy Tribunal. The tribunal may have jurisdiction to hear a claim if the Paypal part of the contract took place in Australia. You can find information, forms and fee schedules for the tribunal at and a claim can be lodged on-line. I have also filed a report on the scams in the ACCC website naming the Chinese parties as well as asking ACCC to contact the Chinese Consulate. In turn, the Chinese Police could conduct a money trace through the scammers’ respective accounts with PayPal to catch these criminals. The other alternative is to talk to your bank and exercise your credit card chargeback rights (but do it quick as I think banks have time limits on disputes).

  65. I got scammed as well by this Chinese website, Paypal made the payment. And the product never came. Paypal decided case in my favor, but of course they cannot recover funds from this guy. But my credit card company was nice enough to pay me back the money. Looks like the site has been shut down now. But you never know they will come up with another name. Well I should have done more research before buying from them.

  66. I wish I had read the reviews before purchasing my order last week. i have now put a dispute in with paypal ,But Paypal is telling it is not there problem and they cannot help to to return my money and hopefully will get my money back. The offer did seem to good to be true.

    Buyer one personal advise please see the review of the company before taking any thing and if any thing is cheap thing twice before booking it.

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