Bad Review of the Shangri-La Diet

A professor in the Berkeley nutrition department recently told a friend of mine he knew about the Shangri-La Diet. He advised:

Don’t try it. He’s a psychologist, not a nutritionist.

As if weight control didn’t involve the brain. Perhaps my friend was talking to Marc Hellerstein, who told a student reporter that the theory behind the diet makes “no sense.” The theory says we stock up on energy when it’s cheap.

6 thoughts on “Bad Review of the Shangri-La Diet

  1. The thing about snark is that it is much more about the scorn and not the logic. It’s said with such conviction and derisiveness that I think people are often afraid to point out the obvious mistakes in it.

  2. Don’t try it

    Sure, that’s the best way to stay unbiased about the topic!
    I just stumbled upon this same joke elsewhere (in french, sorry).
    BTW, it works, 4kg in 1 1/2 month, 3 spoons canola oil.

  3. I tried e-mailing you, but the domain doesn’t apparently exist, so I’ll just paste my idea to you here:

    You’ve written interesting stuff on how we should get bacteria to feed
    our immune system. Have you ever thought what a great way to get
    bacteria it is to eat your fingernails or the skin next to them?
    Whenever I travel abroad, I instantly get a small diarrhea because of
    my habit, but after a couple of days it passes and I don’t have any
    problems with local foods (I travel a lot and eat a lot of shady
    stuff, e.g. street vendors in small chinese rural villages).

  4. it’s not

    eating your fingernails, no but I did speculate that this is why cats lick themselves. That’s interesting that the location-specific bacteria would be found on your fingernails.

  5. Surely the fact of whether it works trumps any amount of theorizing about why it ought to work, or ought not to work. If you’re really a scientist, anyway. This professor reveals he is no scientist. There should be consequences for that, if you’re in a position meant to be held by a scientist. There are plenty of real scientists looking for work.

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