Acid Reflux is Immune Problem, Says Rat Study

A study using a rat model of acid reflux found that the problem is inflammation caused by the immune system, not stomach acid damaging tissue, as had previously been thought.

[The] study in rats showed that gastroesophageal reflux causes tissue in the esophagus to release immune chemicals called cytokines, which attract inflammatory cells. These cause the heartburn and chest pain that make GERD [gastroesophageal reflux disease] so distressing.

“Currently, we treat GERD by giving medications to prevent the stomach from making acid,” said Dr. Rhonda Souza, who led the study published in the November issue of Gastroenterology.

“But if GERD is really an immune-mediated injury, maybe we should create medications that would prevent these cytokines from attracting inflammatory cells to the esophagus and starting the injury in the first place.

Months ago I posted about a friend of mine whose acid reflux was cured by drinking kombucha. The implication of that case and the rat study is that acid reflux is caused by an over-active immune system. Perhaps stomach acid often gets into the esophagus. Only if your immune system is under-stimulated does this cause trouble.

Acid reflux is very common. According to the article, 20% of Americans “have it regularly”. All this supports my view that we need plenty of bacteria in our diet to be healthy, that few Americans get enough bacteria in their diet, and that the deficiency causes all sorts of digestive and immune problems.

8 thoughts on “Acid Reflux is Immune Problem, Says Rat Study

  1. there may be many causes for acid reflux; in my case it is a defect in the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus; that key sphincter does not close and as a result stomach acid splashes on my esophagus. what you describe as an immune system problem appears to be another cause of acid reflux, at least in rats and perhaps in humans.

  2. This isn’t surprising. You see immune system inflammation with lots of types of tissue damage. A similar thing happens when lungs are exposed to air pollutants. Immune cells come to the area and release compounds that cause damage.

    “The implication of that case and the rat study is that acid reflux is caused by an over-active immune system. Perhaps stomach acid often gets into the esophagus.”

    Maybe stomach acid often gets into the esophagus and maybe it doesn’t. Without having any idea, it’s hard to see how that can be taken as evidence that you are right. This may be the reaction every time acid is in the esophagus, regardless of immune system function.

    The example you link to of your friend’s experience is very strange.

    “Every once in a while I might be a little uncomfortable. Then I drink a little kombucha, it gets better within an hour.”

    Do you think the kombucha is affecting the immune system and the immune system is then changing, that fast? That seems incredibly fast for an immune mediated change.


  3. Jeff, that’s a good point — except that I have no reason to think the immune system can’t change that fast. If you do I’d like to know what it is. The immune system has to be built for speed, certainly, because the faster it responds to an infection the better. Do you have another explanation of why my friend’s acid reflux — which had lasted a long time — disappeared soon after he started drinking kombucha?

  4. Hi Seth,
    Your posts got me researching probiotics and the immune system. Have you seen the Duke study on Sucralose (Splenda) that reduced the amount of good bacteria in rats? Pretty eye-opening for me, as I have benn drinking a lot of soft drinks sweetened with Splenda. This year I had 3 staph infections. Coincidence or not? Something was suppressing my immune system. I am now eating yogurt daily and have stopped my consumption on Splenda.

    I have also been on the SLD for a little over a week and it is so liberating to be free of the cravings. Thanks!

  5. Hi there!! I suffer from acid reflux and what triggered it was a mononocleosis virus. Since then its very bad!! Probiotics help!! Do i need a suplement for the immune system?? Pls let me know what is Kombucha!!!

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