The David Healy Affair

Bruce Charlton pointed me to this website full of information about how the University of Toronto rescinded a job offer to David Healy, a British psychiatrist, after he made negative comments about Prozac. Psychiatrists at the University of Toronto got a lot of money from Lilly, the maker of Prozac. Here’s something from a CBC documentary about it:

Although he refuses to interviewed, Dr. Nemeroff said through his lawyer that the [University of Toronto psychiatry] center asked for his opinion of Dr. Healy that day and he gave it. . . . Later that day he flew to New York where we do know he told a meeting of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention exactly what he thought about Healy. One scientist who was there said Nemeroff’s attack was furious, angry, exercised, that the thrust was Healy was a nut.

If Charles Nemeroff calls you a nut . . .

3 thoughts on “The David Healy Affair

  1. See also the very disturbing case of Joseph Biederman, a child psychiatrist from Harvard University who placed his own financial interests above the interests of the children he was allegedly trying to help. I scarcely know which links to post. Google his name for more information.

  2. I recently participated in a documentary with Dr. Healy on the use of SSRIs in young children. It was done by Denmark National Radio 5/2011. He is spot on! I lost my 12 year old son to what I believe is fraudulent pharmaceutical marketing practice. I hope more will listen to Dr. Healy. Remember what they say about money and what some will do for it!

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