A Chinese Physicist Resigns

A Chinese physicist recently resigned from his job (pure research) at a Beijing research institute. His salary was too low. The base salary is something like $200/month, with something like $1200 for each paper you publish. He explained his decision in a letter to his bosses, which he posted on the Internet. From Google Translate:

Dear leaders:


August 2006, I single-handedly carried the mat, one hand holding the quilt to the school to report to work. Slept on the floor in the office 3 nights later, Frank and others XX XXX Street, shares a house, 800 yuan per month. Themselves feel better. However, when my wife came to see me when to Shanghai, but a cry. She did not expect this to write beautiful prose, in English is superb, the monthly salary of ten years ago, men who have three thousand dollars so come down: the room to work without a decent table, there is no place to sit, could only sit bed; office also can take place without her. Yes, until now, my office is a chair, a common HP laser printer or the wife gave me a birthday present. His wife’s insistence, in March 2007, after six months sharing with others, I moved to Village X XX X, X round room (Reference: College on XXXX XXX), monthly rent of 1,600 yuan.

I come to school only task is to do research. Not in class, not with the students. I do specialty is theoretical physics. In my opinion, the current basic problems of theoretical physics can be divided into three areas, but also three levels: the top and most shallow, which is the quality of particle physics, neutrino problem, particle state mixing problem ; Secondly, the harder is self-consistent description of the gravitational field and unify quantum field; final, most difficult, is the true cosmology, the concept of the universe all things are included, the true cosmological should a TOE (Theory of Everything). Cosmology is now called, should be called observational cosmology, from a theoretical point of view, can only be called up to fit the observational cosmology. Three aspects of the course, or interrelated, each is at stake.

Second half of 2006, I understand the unified description of the main energy to the gravitational field and quantum field theory and mathematical tools needed which, in an arbitrary manifold reflects the quantum characteristics of the mathematical tools may be harmonic analysis. But I do not master any of harmonic analysis on manifolds.

Time to flash the first half of 2007, the annual meeting of gravity, I consider the possible use of Finsler geometry to try to do quantum gravity, began to self-Finsler geometry, the same year by the end of September, I made use of Finsler geometry re-expressed in general relativity. However, re-expressed with the Finsler geometry of general relativity does not make me to the direction of quantum gravity there is any progress, Finsler geometry is very strict rigid mathematical structure, the introduction of any features of the quantum structure itself will be incompatible with the geometry. Of course, you can put Finsler space-time structure of dark energy as an inevitable result, however, computability theory, the ability to compare theory and observations are not good.

July 2007, I bought a house in Shanghai, the total price of 96 million, 30-year loans to 66 million. After that, our economic pressure to the limit: my wife rented a house in Beijing, XXX XX Garden Park Unit X X X Building, Room (Reference: Beijing XXX Company XX), monthly rent of 2,500 yuan; my house in Shanghai, monthly rent of 1,600 yuan; also close to 6,000 yuan per month mortgage. All of my salary: two accounts, one CCB, more than 2,000 points (up once already, I am now in January 2669.27 yuan (March 2010)); another investment line, 1,800 yuan per month. Do not say that I run in Beijing and Shanghai both transport costs, my salary to feed my already running out. So we got married in 2005 had never to children.

Under the pressure of the huge costs climb in 2007, first half of 2008, I intend to do some simple problems, the observation of neutrino cosmology application, or vice versa, according to some astronomical observations to discuss the micro- Mass of sub-limits. However, read the literature, in-depth period of time to do that: this work is not a person with a PC machine can be done, at least a group of some value to make it possible to do the work. So, do I still have to go back I am a person with a PC, will be able to do mathematical physics. At this time, there have been two things: First, my wife is pregnant, should be joyous, married 4 years, she has XX years of age. Second, in June 2008, my body feels discomfort, severe cough began after the end of August, the end of September to do CT, in the chest, heart on top, between the lungs lymphatic tumor, a copy of the specific report, see CT.

08 expiration of the contract work my wife returned to Shanghai from Beijing. August 30, we arrived in Shanghai, after living for a month in a hotel (of course, is my wife’s company out of accommodation), I X, X, Room XXX Village renters (references, XXX), 3,300 yuan monthly rent. Our own new home in the June 30 submitted to, because my physical problems, and his wife was pregnant, there is no way to decoration. Only in November 2008 leased to our new home workers rough (references XXXX), monthly rent of 1,800 yuan.

My CT report came out, there are three doctors that the disease: sarcoidosis best results, followed by lymphoma or lung cancer. Six City Hospital, Zhongshan Hospital and the City Chest Hospital’s doctors agree that: To do mediastinal thoracic endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis. However, my child is born in November 2, and before that in October, I can not do chest examination. October 21, 2008, in my guarantee, Chest Hospital, XXXX decided in accordance with sarcoidosis, I began to hormone (prednisone) therapy. In fact, I know, if it is worse than the result of sarcoidosis, I have only the choice of suicide: I can not let my white mother in the cold begging to others: “Save my son… “; or my wife holding an infant child:” save my husband… ”

Thank bliss, I am still alive and well. But, my friends were not so lucky: Mao XXXX, 2005 in High Energy suicide; von XXX, one of my best friends, in January 2007 committed suicide at Tokyo University. Their death, and they chose Theoretical Physics, chose to do research are closely related. Von XXX, 28 years old when he died less, 8 years old his father died, take pains to support his mother and younger siblings. In the Babaoshan, watching Von XXX’s mother, that Ganchangcunduan, piercing woman, I was deeply sad but misery. To von XXX, I think I should continue to do theoretical physics.

2009, I went back to quality issues, problems and mixed particle state mixing matrix. An elegant theory that all the observed phenomena should be explained with the natural, but the existing weak unified theory, have failed. After several months of effort, I think, rest mass operator should be introduced to the rest mass of the quantum field operator as is the rest mass of the intrinsic value, so that uniform interpretation of quantum states can be mixed and mixed matrix. Done in July, found the problem difficult to overcome, and because of physical reasons, was closed. After the October, and XXX, XXX discussions and continue to do for some time. I found a little forward, but there are fundamental problems from a distance, need to be more profound thoughts.

In 2009, my body slowly getting better. Done 4 CT, 4 after March, the condition improved slowly. And then to Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital treatment is the same method. September 2, to Nantong XXXX hospital medicine treatment, medication in January, costs over 3,500 yuan (can not be reimbursed, easy to find the invoice.) To October 2009, my medical insurance card, no money already. At this time, CT showed that half of the tumor has disappeared, the results see the copy. Since then I have to give up treatment, on the one hand do not want to spend more money on the one hand I believe I can beat the rest of the half.

2008 year-end assessment, I did not write. Do write to me to do research, but failed; or I was sick; or I just add a small baby at home? Write my difficulties, I do not want to let others sympathetic to buckle my money? For a limb still, physical and mental health of man, which is a shame.

Thus, starting from March 2009, my investment line of Cary, 900 yuan less per month, only 900 yuan.

Finally, I deeply know that I am the circle around me, most people are not doing scientific research. Doing scientific research is false, is an issue, published an article to change some money, to live. (Above paragraph, is not directed against any person or thing, I seriously do research and those who pay tribute to the depths of his heart. Even if someone is writing papers for money, as long as there is no plagiarism, is beyond reproach, and now the rule is like that. I can not do, but my poor ability to adapt.) von XXX, XXXX Mao may also, like me, are the idealists, does not fit in this circle there to do, so they died.

Yes, I suddenly realized: I do not fit inside the circle to do the research now. Otherwise, I will and Feng XX, XXX Mao same fate. In the November 25, 2009 made a report terms of rest mass operator, I decided to leave. November 30, in the center of the meeting, I proposed to my research was no longer suitable.

All see, I know, the year-end 2009, has not filled out the necessary assessment: whether what I was made or not made anything, I knew.

So, I Merchants Bank of Cary, from the beginning in January 2010, a month is 0. I can start another kind of living law.

Determined from the high school to study physics to me, from the self to the Thermodynamics of Newtonian mechanics, to quantum mechanics; from the self-study calculus to linear algebra; learn from differential geometry, group theory, and then learn topology. Into his own youth, twenty years into his effort, and now had to give up, is a frustration.

Dreamed last night: spring, towards the sea, I lingered under the weeping willow, think about the physics, think of the beauty of the universe!

I know, only to leave, I can live. When people have forgotten that the earth is the soul of the physical sacrifice, I still worried about soul.

Must live with dignity, I can only leave. In the vast universe, the short life of individuals, such as fireworks, energy and all the leaders met, life is fate. Besides, I also get more help and the central leadership to take care, keep in mind when I hope to have the opportunity to return.

2 thoughts on “A Chinese Physicist Resigns

  1. Thou shalt trust the human heart to be the divine representative of the soul.

    Or as Albert Einstein allegedly said: The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.

    I’m rather clueless regarding physics, but I found Nassim Haramein’s ideas interesting.

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