In-Flight Fermented Foods?

I’ve tried taking fermented foods on airplane flights. Here’s what I’ve learned:

1. The rules speak of “medicinal” exceptions to the no-liquid policy. In practice, this means: (a) You need a doctor’s note and (b) you must need the medicine during the flight.

2. The rules say no gels. It turns out that yogurt is a gel.

3. What about Japanese pickles in sake dregs? When they were in a glass jar, with a lot of dregs (50% dregs, 50% pickle), the answer was no: Dregs are like gels. When they were in a plastic package (98% pickle, 2% dregs), they were okay.

4 thoughts on “In-Flight Fermented Foods?

  1. If the food “gel” would survive being frozen, try freezing the food into a solid to take with you on the plane. You just have to find some way to quickly bring it to a comfortable temperature for consumption.

  2. Now printer cartridges will be banned. Because of course terrorists take about a year to conceive of packaging explosives in a new object… When they start disguising bombs as planes we’re screwed.

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