Guan Er Dai

A few years ago the Chinese people invented a new noun: guan er dai (官二代), meaning the children of government officials. There was already fu er dai, meaning the children of rich people.

The reason for the new term is that guan er dai act badly. A few weeks ago at Hebei University, a guan er dai, driving a car on campus, hit and killed a girl. Angry bystanders gathered around the car. “My father is Li Gang!” shouted the guan er dai. Li Gang is a mid-level police official. Not especially powerful, but powerful enough. Hubei University covered up the incident.

Government officials have always been very powerful, said the friend who told me this. But only recently have people become aware of this. This is why guan er dai is a new term.

A few years ago a Tsinghua sociology professor and a graduate student wrote a book about the hierarchy within Chinese society. Government officials on top, below them business people, and so on. Perhaps farmers at the bottom. The government did not allow this book to be published — “we are not on top of society, we are the servants!” said a government official. All that work, down the drain.

More The reckless driver was sentenced to three years in prison. The New York Times has a long article about this.

6 thoughts on “Guan Er Dai

  1. We Chinese also create some Chinese-Style English which maybe only Chinese can fully understand:
    gelivable 给力 very exciting

    smilence笑而ä¸è¯­ smile without words

    togayther终æˆçœ·å±ž “gay” together

    democrazy痴心妄想 the idea of acheiving democracy is crazy

    shitizenå±æ°‘ citizen is shit

    innernet中国互è”网 Chinese Internet

    departyment(政府)有关部门 related department of the Party

    chinsumer 在国外疯狂购物的中国人 Chinese who crazyly consume when they are abroad

    emotionormal 情绪稳定 usually seen on newspapers,people are in normal emotion but actually they aren’t

    sexretary 女秘书 employ a secretary for “sex”

    halfyuan五毛 people who support the party by their words on the Internet

    canclensor 审查 “censor” implies “cancle”

    wall· e 防ç«å¢™ firewall

    circusee 围观 onlookers

    vegeteal å·èœ steal “vegetables” on the Internet

    yakshit 亚克西

    animale 男人天性 nature of male

    corpspend æžå°¸è´¹ spend for salvaging corpse

    suihide 躲猫猫 hide and seek

    niubility 牛逼 powerful

    antizenèšæ°‘ citizen who live as ant


    propoorty房地产 real estate

    stuck market 股市 stock market

    livelihard生活 life

    stupig笨猪 stupid pig

    Z-turn 折腾 toss

    don’train 动车 EMU

    foulsball ä¸­å›½è¶³çƒ Chinese Football

    gambller 干部 cadre

    goveruption 政府 government

    harmany 河蟹 eliminate sth they think bad for the government’s reputation,such as the Nobel Peace Prize owner Liu Xiaobo,We can’t find any information about him on the Internet,regardless of whether or not what he did is proper.
    profartssor å«å…½ professor who fart(say bullshit)

    freedamn中国特色自由 Chinese-Style freedom

    In fact,Things are not as good as we imagine,but also not as bad as we think.

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