6 thoughts on “The Creation of Umami Burger

  1. I do not remember seeing you mentioning dosage in relation to microbe-containing food. Do you have any opinions on how much, say, kim chi or sauerkraut is a good quantity to aim for in a week?

  2. Unintentional…? Comedy.

    “Umami, […] is voodoo science to me. Others are convinced of its authenticity”

    “It’s clear that he has looked into the heart of the burger and seen what others have not.”

  3. JRF, I have yet to figure out a good way to study the dosage question. My guess is that several servings per day is a good idea. I eat 2 servings of yogurt/day plus 1 glass of kombucha. Plus kimchi, pickles, etc., when available.

    Alrenous, re “looking into the heart of the burger and seeing what others have not.” Umami Burger isn’t terribly mysterious (umami makes food taste better) but it’s quite true that many others haven’t seen this simple truth about what makes food taste good. Last night a friend told me she had gotten a yogurt machine. We discussed how to eat yogurt. I said I put whiskey in mine — a way to add complexity. She said she hadn’t heard of such a thing.

  4. Walter, I have never measured it but I’d guess 1-2 tablespoons (in 1 cup of yogurt). That’s an interesting question about the alcohol killing the microbes. Maybe I will do a test to find out.

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