Two More Shangri-La Diet Success Stories

From the Shangri-La Diet forums:

I started this process on or around the 3rd week of July. Not sure of the exact date lets say 7-23-11. Weight was 228 lbs, blood pressure maxing out at 160/100. Today (9-30-11) my weight is 195 lbs and the bp is below 120/80.

So in 10 weeks I have dropped 33 lbs about 3.3 pounds a week or half a pound a day. My goal weight is 175. I have done the canola oil twice a day. No breakfast and mixing in salad and fruit for lunch and dinner with 6 ounces of meat, seafood or chicken. Some carbs but not a lot. I have not had any cravings to overeat or to snack on junk food and I just stopped drinking sodas for no reason that I can explain and I don’t feel hungry after meals.

People at the gym must think I am sick because I am losing weight and don’t do very much. I lift 20 minutes to maintain what I have and ran twice in the past 10 weeks for a total of maybe 3 miles. I have started doing more abs now that you might be able to see them when all the fat is gone.

In 30 years of dieting this is the easiest thing I have ever done. I don’t understand why this isn’t the number one diet in the world.

Let it not be because I don’t blog about it. Someone else, who started at 321 pounds, has lost 67 pounds in 8 months. Graph here.

2 thoughts on “Two More Shangri-La Diet Success Stories

  1. I’ve not done an extensive search of the forums, but I was curious if anyone has tried coconut oil for the preferred oil on the SLD.

    I lost a bunch of weight back in 2006 trying SLD and I used ELOO and WO. Both of those oils were gross to take and the WO was a bit worse, but I got used to them.

    Just last week, I bought my first batch of coconut oil (CO) and I ingested it orally. I was shocked that I did not taste anything! I thought it would taste like coconut, but it really didn’t have a taste. In fact, when compared to ELOO and WO, CO had even less taste. So I was curious to see if anyone has tried CO for SLD.

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