Assorted Links

Thanks to Eugenia Loli.

18 thoughts on “Assorted Links

  1. Re the Kuna Indians’ drink: if we wanted to try this, is it basically a hot cocoa drink made from dissolving pulverized organic cacao powder in hot water?

  2. Dearieme, I assume he’s referring to those with allergies, those that live in areas where seafood is unavailable, vegetarians and people worried about mercury.

  3. “Anyone who can’t eat seafood”. Yes, allergies. We have at least one friend who is allergic to shellfish and I don’t think it’s that unusual

  4. Hap,

    In response to the Kuma Indians info, which suggests great health benefits of nearly raw cacao, I have gotten some Cocoavia products, which are supposed to be high in flavonols. You have to process the cocao “gently” to not destroy them. Maybe I will compare the Cocoavia stuff to the Andronico’s powder you mention.

  5. In my family problems with sea-food are highly specific – for example, one can’t eat crab but is OK with everything else. Another can’t eat lobster, at least of the North Atlantic variety, but can eat crab, Australian species, and so on.

    I’ve never met anyone who can’t eat white fish, salmon, trout, herring, sardines, mackerel and the other common culinary fish, though I don’t doubt that they might exist. Shellfish: yes, I’ve heard of that problem. But does allergy to shellfish imply allergy to, say, cod, haddock, sole, plaice ….?

    I ask from pure ignorance, not as a debating point.

  6. Whitebait: I do hope that everyone can eat whitebait. It would be a rotten trick by God if some poor soul couldn’t enjoy them.

    (I mean Proper Whitebait, not the dismal stuff so-called in NZ – a lovely country, but unsound on whitebait.)

  7. Mixing cocoa powder and water would make a drink much less fatty than what the Kuna consume. Try adding back cocoa butter? …or something with baking/dark chocolate?

    Seth: Good point. However, I already eat a lot of butter.

  8. Anyway, cocoa/chocolate is nutritious, but it’s not as if the Kuna use it to counter all the HFCS and corn oil they consume. Just like most “traditional” cultures, the foods are good quality, and they don’t eat most of the crap Americans do.

  9. @dearieme, I have a friend who is so allergic to fish of any sort that she can’t even eat something cooked in the same oil fish has been cooked in. She develops life-threatening internal hives (possibility of blocked airway, intestines, etc.).

  10. Dear heavens, Elizabeth: the poor soul. I watched the family member who can’t eat lobster discovering the problem. I thought she was going to die; very frightening indeed.

  11. Re: seafood vs. flaxseed, there is a third option for omega-3. It turns out that hens fed a high-flaxseed diet lay eggs with much higher amounts of EPA and DHA. Given the importance of omega-3 for brain development, it makes sense that the yolk should accumulate a disproportionate amount of the converted long-chain omega-3s. (The brand I’m familiar with, “Christopher Eggs” from Kroger/Private Selection, have 660 mg omega-3 per egg.)

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